A recently retired scholar/sociologist turned librarian and friend, Marlin Heckman, sent the following note about nordic walking.
Besides my trying to walk 10,000 steps every day (Since August 29 I have walked 480 miles!) (bold added) I have now been trained as a certified nordic walking instructor. I have not held any classes yet but I have encouraged several people to buy sets of poles and get up off of the couch.
Getting up off of the couch is probably good advice for all Tableteers. Let him know if you want nordic walking lessons.
Marlin and his wife recently moved to a SoCal retirement center. His note sounds like they have an active retirement! And he’s still writing another book between foot excursions. Keep up the good work, Marlin. Think I’ll see if I can find a couple of sticks on the ground and walk up our hills this AM. I wonder if I should take a Tablet PC?