From TopTechNews‘ report on Telecom 05’s annual conference last week:
Margaret LaBrecque, a former president of the WiMax Forum, says:
“Under ideal conditions — a radio transmitter mounted high above a community on flat, open terrain — a WiMax signal can travel up to 30 miles. Someone right next to the antenna could receive a signal more than 70 times faster than a typical DSL, or digital subscriber line, connection.
But “WiMax is subject to the laws of physics,” LaBrecque said, and in the real world full of obstructions the technology must make sacrifices while balancing range, speed and mobile access.
WiMax trials in Colorado by Denver-based Qwest Communications International Inc. found average signal ranges of two or three miles and speeds similar to cable modems and fast DSL connections.”
In other words, expect ranges comparable to what cell phone towers provide today. Makes sense.