Report finds preschool teachers in Australia in tech gap.
John M. M. Blake’s class at North Whiteville Academy in NC podcasts as part of their science class. Way to go, Mr. Blake and students! Keep us informed of your progress.
Josh McHugh describes for Edutopia how Diane Hamstra of Park Tudor School, Indianapolis, IN uses software to bring 19th century literature alive for 10th grade students. She notes that students are more tuned to electronics than teachers are. Hmmm, I wonder if they use notebooks and Tablet PCs.
Dr. Blessinger offers instructions for insert a dynamic rubric into a Word document, so that I can embed one into essays that I am grading. Thanks, Dan Weinstein for pointing to his offering.
David Warlick argues that preservice teachers should have electronic literacy skills before entering teaching. He acknowledges that many do have these skills and not word literacy skills. He’s not a techie who lights up with gadgets. I, on the other hand, am excited by what we can shine that “light” on… I think his quote could have been stated for a lot of us!