Thanks, Tom Hoffman, for pointing me to Fredrick’s blog. It’s good to read about a classroom teacher who champions urban education and likes what he does. He joins a list of other locally known champions of urban education, such as Bob Audette, Joe Cunningham, Layne, and … You add your favorites.
Stephen Downes offers a note today about his presentation and thinking at Educause 2005 about what may occur in future eLerning. He comments from a progessive education view about the growing importance of communities, collaboration, conversations, and electronics in shaping future education. He swaps off the words education for schooling. He does not address relative achievement or content performance results of the progressive schools ideology compared with traditional schooling. His writings are worth a read, regardless of the view you have of “education” and “schooling.”
Scott Leslie says It would be easy to make too much of this chapter from a recent ECAR report on Students and Information Technology, 2005: Convenience, Connection, Control, and Learning, as it seems to paint an overall positive picture of student experiences with CMS. I think I’ll read the report more closely.
Julia Lerman’s on her way to TechEd South Africa. Her reports will be worth monitoring.
Now, it’s time to buy food for AJ and then get back to my writing for ISVs about learning theories.