Tom Hoffman stimulated an interesting, although brief, discussion about the expanding education blogosphere. It reminds me of the public dialogue about cultural influences on education described by (among others) William A. Henry, III in the 1994 controversial book titled In Defense of Elitism.
Talent, achievement, practice, and learning no longer command deference. Everyone is a star … and nonachievers by the millions have come to expect it as a birthright … as we have redefined our economy, in defiance of reality, as a collective possession – a myth of communal splendor rather than simultaneous individual achievements (p. 12) … (with) wrath directed at elitism … esteem for accomplishment, especially when achieved through long labor and rigorous education …(p. 2-3).
Hoffman’s blog continues the discussion in contemporary form by calling for a different level of blogging in the education blogosphere. I expect this discussion will continue for some time to come, in various forms and themes.