More quotes from the CDW-G Teachers Talk Technology 2005 study. Don’t you just love it when someone gives teachers credit for initiative!
“Where we have seen (PCS) be successful, typically it’s in a school with a pioneering teacher who promotes it to their peers, where it’s almost viral,” said Chris Rother, CDW-G’s vice president for education.
The study also found that the impact of technology on teaching styles increases with tenure, indicating little or no resistance to technology in the classrooms of more experienced teachers.
This next one is interesting. Teachers are initiating their own learning about uses of PCs in classrooms.
Time spent on teacher technology training did not increase from 2004 to 2005, but the number of teachers rating their computer skills as “advanced or expert” nearly tripled from 6 percent to 17.5 percent. About 30 percent of teachers said they had no technology training in 2004 or 2005, but less than 3 percent rated themselves as “beginners.”
Yeh, Teachers!
Now, Tablet PC manufacturers, branders and software publishers, maybe your easiest way to expand your useful presence in education is through pioneering teachers?
Makes sense to me. How are you using this approach, Tablet PC manufacturers, branders, publishers (including Microsoft) marketing groups?
I wonder if they’re just ignoring you, missing the obvious, huge market you hold, like doctors who hold the key to dispensing prescription medications.
Teachers, let these marketing groups know how you think they should market the Tablet PC to teachers.