Imagine if you will, police arriving to your home to have your property removed because someone in the neighborhood complained and a new law made the placement of that property illegal. Now, you can watch the video and see Delaware Department of Transportation crews removing basketball poles from residents. Some of the poles have been up for over 5 decades. According to the resident in the video, the one removed in this video was installed 60 years ago. These poles should have been exempted from any new law.
Now, imagine if you will, having the police escort the Delaware Department of Transportation crews, and imagine if you will, having the police officer lie to you. Now, that is wrong, making this incident unpalatable. We have government giving taxpayer money to the rich. In the meantime, the middle class is being run over with “laws.” Laws, my friends, are only for the law abiding.
I applaud the women who climb the pole. Those who lied should lose their jobs.