This page is dedicated to the research focused on teacher retention, attrition, and mobility of special education teachers.
Allen, M. B. (2005). Eight questions on teacher recruitment and retention: What does the research say? Education Commission of the States Teaching Quality Research Reports, September 2005. Education Commission of the States. Retrieved December 4, 2006, from
Banks, S.R., & Necco, E.G. (1987). Alternative certification, educational training, and job longevity. Action in Teacher Education, 9, 67-73.
Billingsley, B. S. (2003). Special education teacher retention and attrition: A critical analysis of the literature (COPSSE Document No. RS-2). Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, Center on Personnel Studies in Special Education. Retrieved January 30, 2011, from
Mitchell, A., & Arnold, M. (2004). Behavior Management Skills as Predictors of Retention Among South Texas Special Educators. Journal of Instructional Psychology, 31(3), 214-219.
Wasburn-Moses, L. (2005). How to keep your special education teachers. Principal Leadership, 5(5), 35-38.