Here are links to 9 working draft checklists and musings about definitions of success related to uses of Tablet PCs and Ultra Mobile PCs in schools. Teachers, grant proposal writers, and school evaluators may use these lists as reminders of steps to consider for successful deployment of mobile PCs in their classrooms. Refinements and consolidation of these ideas are underway for near future release. Most of these lists address K14 schools.
Tablet PC Schools: A Checklist of Successes – Part One This working draft checklist provides a way to monitor the policy and administrative progress toward successful deployment of mobile PCs, especially Tablet PCs and Ultra Mobile PCs, in most K20 schools. Research and some teaching universities follow different procedures from ones described in this checklist.
Tablet PC Schools: K12 – A (Draft) Checklist of Successes – Short Form This is a draft checklist. It’s part of what I would use to create a work plan for a project. Perhaps it will be useful as a start for you to monitor your progress to use mobile PCs, especially Tablet PCs and Ultra-Mobile PCs (UMPCs), in your school or district.
Tablet PC Schools: Defining Successful Deployment This post reviews questions to address for defining successful use of mobile PCs in schools.
Hidden Costs of High School Exit Exams This post lists possible distributed costs, some of which will occur with uses of mobile PCs in schools as they are for exit exams.
Rationale for a Checklist for Evaluating Education Software This draft checklist applies aspects of empirically based learning theories to assess the usefulness of a software program to increase learning of someone unfamiliar with the content and processes of the program.
A Checklist to Evaluate Education Software This is a seven point checklist for evaluating education software including for Using Digital Ink as with a Tablet PC.
Evaluating Tablet PC Educational Software I ask questions for the software to answer the same way I evaluate any learning tool, whether an instructional procedure, easy-reading book, a curriculum, achievement test, etc.
Defining Direct Learning 2 Comments about three types of learning software, including Direct Learning software.
Education Software Content Hygiene Checklist for ISVs Heres an annotated checklist draft of questions to help guide the cleansing of educational software of distractions and unnecessary redundancies in educational software for mobile PCs.
Your suggestions are welcome.