
A Learners’ View (ALV) Is Of Choices On The Shortest And Fastest Path To Learning, The Oxygen Of Social Life.

Details from a learners’ view that give critical mass to simple descriptions of teaching and learning.


Basic Choices of Teachers

Checklist of Choices of Teachers

Choice Definition from a learners’ view (ALV).

Choices Frame an Infrastructure of Learning Patterns of options selected by learners from among those included in lessons learners learn that teachers instruct.

Choices of 1.0 Ancillary School Personnel

Choices of Teachers 

Family of Choices from a Learners’ View (ALV) 

Three Categories of Choices while Learning

Transitions as Changing Choices Educators refer to transitions as learning; the process or period during which a change in patterns of choices learners make during instruction to solve the problem of the lesson.


Classic Education for the 21st Century Classic education prepares people to know processes and content that underpin civilizations.

Classic Education, Science, and Scientific Method  Classic education, science, and scientific method share a common commitment to dispel ignorance through rigorous study and third party verification.

Performance Standard for Educators Students will learn lessons offered by teachers. Lessons will consist of social activities the most skilled members of civilization use(d) to solve problems in daily life.

Strategic Question a Learners’ View (ALV) Answers What part does teaching-learning play in the distribution of life-chances of people?

Strategic Responsibility of Educators To give first priority to conveying from one generation to the next what the most accomplished people have done and how they have done it.

Vision of a Learners’ View (ALV) in Education Educators choose to use technical means in lessons that result in all students learning all lessons consistently.

Why Consider Classic Education? It’s the 21st Century. Classic education grounds current social life in enduring accomplishments and their refinements of the past the same way it grounded previous eras that resulted in the life we have today. In so doing, learning as part of classic education breaths meaning into social life beyond the urgencies and emotions of the moment.


Active Ingredients of Learning (AIL) A category of sights, sounds, and other physical sensations that teachers use during instruction of lessons that all learners consistently learn (used in 1.0 Lessons by 1.0 Teachers).

Failure-to-Learn (FTL)

Grammar of Learning The term represents relationships (syntax) among behavior and social patterns learners that people use while learning.

Learn To make choices that adapt, adopt, and apply a new social pattern to resolve a problem in ways other people accept.

Introduction to Learning Definition of learning from a learners’ view (ALV) plus a list of related descriptions.

Language of Learning (LANOL) Vocabulary and logic that describes choices learners make while learning lessons.

Learning Definition, synonyms, imprecise references, euphemisms, and a note about learning.

Principles of Learning Learners will more likely connect a something concrete with something abstract, b something easy with something hard, c something familiar (known) with something unfamiliar (unknown), d something simple with something complex, and e something specific with something general (CEKSS).

Risk of Failure-to-Learn The probability that something will block a learner from resolving a problem or in other ways hinder meeting a learning criterion for a lesson.

Trial-and-Error Learning (TEL) A set of operations that convert principles of learning into ways for observers and instructors to monitor learning during a lesson.

Where Learning Occurs Learning occurs at the intersection of two or more social processes in and out of schools.


ALV Lessons

ALV Patterns in Lessons (APL) of 1.0 Teachers

A Learners’ View (ALV) of Lessons

Blend ALV into Lessons Checklist

Summary of ALV Lessons Learning is problem solving. The problem to solve in each lesson is which two dots to connect. A lesson shows learners how to connect two dots.


Law of Teaching-Learning (LOTL) Consistent and reliable patterns of interaction during instruction of lessons that learners learn; patterns of social activity that teachers and learners use as observable and manageable social processes.

Teaching Arranging tangible and symbolic objects, such as words, numerals, etc., in ways that likely result in learners  solving problems as the most accomplished members of society solve(d) them.


Absolute Learning
Assumed Learning


Ordered Learning

Learning Principles


Mass Market of Independent Learners



Ordered Learning