Learning Centered Teaching

When learning is to be, teachers use ALV (a Learners’ View). (ALV T-Shirt Wisdom)

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Learning centered teaching describes application of a learners’ view of learning and teaching. This teaching occurs when teachers and learners give priority to making a finite set of essential choices during instruction of lessons that all learners learn.

What are Essential Choices?

Essential choices are the most likely patterns of social interactions in which teachers and learners engage during instruction of lessons that all learners learn. These patterns

  • are known more specifically as active ingredients of instruction,
  • That identify for learners
    • which choices of social actions to use
    • to demonstrate that they are learning lessons.

When these patterns

  • are not used or
    • are hidden from prompt identification during instruction,
  • learners will likely not learn lessons.

For example, learners will more likely attend

  • to something novel before something familiar and
  • To something the color red before something the color blue.

Instruction that includes written directions

  • with key words printed in large red letters
  • will likely attract the attention of and
  • use by learners while learning lessons.

Essential choices differ

  • from carrier social actions which point to the active ingredients, and
  • from distractions which mislead or attract attention away from active ingredients.

Source of Essential Choices 

The source of essential choices is a content analysis of the existing experimental behavioral and social science research study reports through the 1990s. Uncounted thousands of these reports accumulated over more than a century.

A Learners’ View (ALV) serves as the report of the content analysis.

The content analysis identified the minimum number of commonalities those scientists described in their reports of teaching and learning.

That minimum serves as essential choices for instructing lessons that all learners learn.

Social Purpose of Learning Centered Teaching

The social purpose of learning centered teaching is to make assimilation of newer members into society more efficient than through each person relying on their own devices.

Essential choices form a social infrastructure of lessons that all learners learn through learning centered teaching. This infrastructure provides teachers with a way to replicate learning of lessons that accelerate, increase, and deepen (AID) learning with measured confidence.