1.0 Instruction

A Learners’ View (ALV) Is Of Choices On The Shortest And Fastest Path to Learning, the Oxygen Of Social Life.

Definition: 1. a All students learn everything (without any trial-and-errors) from instruction during lessons a teacher offers. b The process of using (applying) a 1.0 Lesson Plan of 1.0 Lesson Content personally or through electronic media.

2. (Tech.) Using (matching) the probabilities of response patterns of learners to stimuli during presentation by teachers of lesson content, so  that learners meet criteria for each lesson. Matching during lesson presentation the elements of learning learners use while learning.

3. Distinct from lesson planning and content  as well as from classroom management of other social actions that surround teaching and learning in and out of schools.

4. The implicit standard against which evaluators compare assessments of instruction, learning, and schooling.

5. The goal of educators in Decisive Schools of the New Era School Initiative.

Metaphore: The process of a baseball pitcher winning a game with a no hitter by throwing only 81 consecutive strikes (the least number of pitches possible in a nine inning game).

Highlight: The quantification of the core social action of the social role called teacher.

Synonym: PERFECT INSTRUCTION replaces the quantification of the process of presenting a lesson with a judgment. AVERAGE INSTRUCTION (by statistical definition of average) matches elements of learning that learners use while learning between plus or minus one standard deviation around the arithmetic mean of the use of those elements; on average, 66 percent of response patterns learners use during lessons to learn those lessons, irrespective of the background, entering competence, demographic variations, etc. of learners. SPECIAL INSTRUCTION gives priority to adjusting the presentation of stimuli to avoid sensory deficits of learners in ways average  teachers do not use for learners to meet lesson criteria for learning; may include using more refined content to meet the same criteria for lessons; learners from special instruction result from incomplete or inadequate instruction of lessons to meet expected academic performance standards.

Antonym: FAILING INSTRUCTION emphasizes as unacceptable the unnecessary number of trial-and errors of learners to complete lessons successfully.

Related Reading

  1. 1.0 Lesson
  2. 1.0 Lesson Content
  3. 1.0 Lesson Plan
  4. 1.0 Teacher
  5. Decisive School
  6. New Era School Initiative Press Release

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